Researching air pollution in cities of the Global South

Latest News


Welcome to Globalsmog new website!

As the research project will unfold over the coming years, we will share results, accounts from the field and news through this website.

More contents will be uploaded in the coming weeks, so stay tuned. Contact us at

From the field

Our colleague Rémi de Bercegol with Grant Davis and Shankare Gowda released this documentary titled the "People of Waste". This short movie explores the transformation of plastic waste into a valuable resource by showing the diversity of the people who live in the shadow of the consumer society in Delhi.

Scientific Events

Our colleague, Eva Pilot, is chairing a session on Health Geography and Public Health Surveillance Beyond Numbers at the forthcoming UGI 2022 - Paris (18-22 July, 2022)

Latest Publications

A Scoping Review on Air Quality Monitoring, Policy and Health in West African Cities.

Mir Alvarez C, Hourcade R, Lefebvre B, Pilot E.

Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020;17(23):9151. doi:10.3390/ijerph17239151

The Project

Air pollution is a global environmental and health problem. Although it has become a major concern in the large cities of the Global South, few of them manage to tackle this pollution effectively. This multidisciplinary research project proposes to better understand what causes such hindrance by analyzing the perceptions of this public health problem, the orientations of public action and the obstacles to its implementation in five African and five Asian cities.

Find out more about the project

Find out more about the team

Research Objectives

To better understand the role of international cooperation and globalization processes for the framing of air pollution issues and circulation of knowledge.

To better understand the interplay between scientific knowledge and policy in the context of the Global South.

To explain and analyse the local social processes of issue framing and agenda setting around ambient air pollution in LMIC cities.

To analyse cross-sectoral policy making in the context of large LMIC cities.

To formulate policy recommendations in order to foster better policymaking and implementation for the cities of the Global South.

The Cities